Arnos Bowling Club


Coaching at Arnos Bowling Club

New and experienced bowlers are welcome to visit us at the club – for new bowlers Arnos Bowling Club usually offers two coaching sessions with our club coaches, free of charge. Just contact us and we will get in touch.

Bowling Equipment

All you will need to start as a bowler will be flat soled shoes that are required so we don’t damage the green. The club has spare bowls and you will have the opportunity to try different sizes and types of bowl and be advised on the most suitable bowls for you. A set of new bowls can be your biggest expense, so trying sizes out before purchase will help you decide what bowls are best for you.

Join the Fun

Bowls is a great way to keep active for people of all ages and abilities and it’s not expensive.
The principles of the game are not hard to learn; and you’ll soon master the technique of delivery and drawing to the jack.
Although played at a leisurely pace, bowls is surprisingly good exercise. But don’t take our word for it – read what the British Heart Foundation says about bowling.